The Qur’aan points out fundamental Truths about Nature, so as to enable man to start his own detailed study and make use of his enquiry as best as he can.
“He is the First and the Last; and the Outward and Inward; and He is the Knower of all things.” 3: 57. This passage clearly points out the Universe-all things, inherent in His knowledge, finding expression through His Manifestation. But despite His Manifestation, He is the Incomparable. “Say: He is Allah the One. Allah is He on whom all depend. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him.” 1: 112, 11: 42, 29: 55, 35:24. So the whole universe is based on Truth which pervades it through and through and there is a purpose behind it every where. Vide 38: 44, 44: 29, 27: 38, 30: 21. All the celestial bodies are bound by some law in their behaviour. 12: 16, 17:23. The whole universe is guarded with knowledge, and there is nothing like unnoticed accident in its operations, be it the most insignificant. Vide 59: 6, 3: 13, 17: 55, 40: 70. The whole Universe and everything therein, has its own equilibrium, which keeps it in position. 1: 23, 8: 55. No two things in the Universe are identical; all have their own identities, determined distinct, though it may not be always easy to detect the difference. 49: 54, and 8 :13.
2. The whole Universe is endowed with Life,
Knowledge and expression. “There is not a thing but hymns its praise (of Him)
but you understand not their praise.” 44: 17, 41: 24. Solomon said, “We have
been taught the language of birds.” 16: 27. The whole Universe adores Allah by
instinct, but man adores Him by option, being gifted with a will by origin, and
hence responsible for his conduct. 18: 22. At any rate there is Life, Knowledge
and Expression in all the objects of Nature, so much so that they have their
own pairs and live a communal life. Vide 49 : 51, 3 : 13, 36 : 36, 38: 6. Every
object of Nature has got its own significance, none, not even a gnat, is
unworthy of attention. It is quite sufficient to reveal truth to those who care
to gain knowledge. 26 : 2. The Qur’aan
thus invites man to study Nature, and to cultivate a living interest, and
sympathy with his natural surroundings-all living a life of aim and purpose.
There has always been
a class, generally called Rationalists, mainly including Philosophers and
Scientists, who doubt, nay, deny the existence of such beings as Angels and
Genii, and also refute the possibility of any Spiritual Association; while on the
other hand, those usually called Spiritualists, mostly including saints and
savants of Psychics, feel sure of Spirits and Spiritual Experience. At one time
or other, much fraud was practiced in the name of Spiritualism, so as to inject
superstition and terror in society, which evoked a natural reaction to suppress
the fraudulent to the point of ridicule and punishment. But the Qur’aan affirms the reality and an
approach between the two old parties is already in sight.
(a) ANGELS Angels have their own shapes usually carrying wings, but being formed of Light, they are capable of easy transformation, and can assume human features when necessary, vide Section 1 : 35. 8, 9: 6, 69, 70: 11’ 24 to 28: 51, 31 to 34: 51 : The usual abode of Angels is Heaven where they praise GOD and pray for Mankind, but they also come to the Earth on duty, and call on people with or without their recognition as strangers. They carry out duties which often seem supernatural. “Those (angels) believe in Him and implore Forgiveness for those who believe. …” 7,8: 41 “The Angels called unto him (Zakariyya): God gives thee glad tidings of Yahiya (Prophet)” vide 38 to 40: 3, 2, 3: 16, “When our Messengers (Angels) came to Lut (in human shape) he was grieved on their account (taking them for youths)” 77 to 83: 11.
Angels particularly approach people at the time of their death with good or bad tidings according to their situation. “The Angels descend on them (the righteous) Fear ye not (they suggest), nor grieve. . .”30 to 32: 41. When the Angels take the souls of the unbelievers (at death) (How) they smite their faces and their backs” 50, 51: 8, 93: 6, 27: 47. They descend with blessings on particular occasions, such as- “Lailatul-Qadr” –the night in which the Prophet received his first revelation in the month of Ramadan. 1 to 5: 97.
(b) GENII: - Next to Angels come Genii, who are formed of Fire, the well-known Iblees or Satan being the Head of this creation. They stand halfway between Angels and Man, sharing the nature of both in parts. They have got their families, their culture and their religion, and still they are invisible and capable of transfer and transformation. They had close contact with the Prophet Solomon, in particular, as also with a Senior Saint, Piraane-Pir Syed ‘Abdul-Qaadir Jeelaanii of Baghdad, who for that reason is called Ghousus-Saqa-layn. But their contact with other saints is not uncommon. Genii lead some people astray. Vide 27: 15, 15: 55, 1, 2, 11 to 15: 72, 29 to 31: 46, 6: 72, 128: 6, 50: 17.
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Commandments of God through Qur'an