Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ta-‘awwuz (Seeking Refuge) and Tasmiyah (Naming)

Lesson - 1

Ta-‘awwuz (Seeking Refuge)
First of all, one should perform Ablution, before touching the Holy Qur-‘aan.

I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast.
‘A-‘uuzu   BIllaahi minash-Shaytaanir-Rajiim.


Out of the creatures of God Almighty, there is such a creature also, which is called Satan (the Devil). He has been created from the fire. When a competition took place between Angels and Adam (peace be upon them), and Adam (peace be upon Him) won the Test, God Almighty commanded the Angels that they all should bow before Adam (peace be upon Him). Therefore, they all fell prostrate in front of Adam (peace be upon Him). But Satan denied from bowing, because he had disease of pride in his heart. When he was called to account, he said, “I have been created from the fire and Adam (peace be upon Him) from the Clay. So, I am better than He. How the fire can bow before the dust?” Hence, due to his pride the Satan was determined as outcast forever and till the Day of Resurrection; he was fixed as a cursed.

Then, Satan decided to take revenge of his disgrace. Anyhow he caused to put Adam (peace be upon Him) and his wife, Eve, out of the Heaven and announced: I shall try my best to misguide the children of Adam (peace be upon Him) from the Right Path until the Day of Judgment. It means that Satan is our mortal enemy for ever. So, God Almighty commanded to us that we should supplicate in His Court as mentioned above that: O my Lord! I seek refuge in Thee from devilish temptations and O my Lord! I seek Your refuge from it that Satan; the outcast should never come close to me.

 The Last Messenger Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) commanded that Satan influences in your veins and fibers like the blood circulates in your entire bodies. Satan looks the people but the people; neither can look him and nor they can save themselves from his attack easily. Therefore, every individual must seek refuge from the effects of Satan.

It is included in the etiquette of the recitation of Holy Qur’-aan that before starting recitation, one should recite first of all, “'A-'uuzu BIllaahi minash-Shaytaanir-Rajiim(I seek refuge in ALLAH from Satan the outcast). So that, Most High God take us in His refuge and Satan may not get opportunity to mislead and allure us in this Good act. Essence of the meanings of Verses may change with wrong interpretation. Our Lord! Save us from every kind of depravity.
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Lesson - 2
Tasmiyah (Naming)
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.


Three names of God Almighty have been described in this verse: Allaah, Rahmaan and Rahiim.

Allah is such name which is used only for God Almighty. No one else can be called with this name. It is His Personal name. Allah is the Person Who created the entire universe, like the earth, the skies, the rivers, the mountains, vegetation, minerals & fossils, the moon, the sun and the stars etc. Moon and stars twinkle with His Power. Birds fly with His order. He causes to rain and grows all kinds of productions.

Rahmaan (The Beneficent) is His qualitative name. It is a declaration of His common Pity that He takes pity over His entire creatures equally. His air, rains and other kindnesses are equal for all, whether someone is good or bad. He gives us uncountable precious rewards without praying.

Rahiim (The Merciful) is 2nd qualitative name of Allah Almighty and declaration of His special Mercy. HE bestows specific rewards on His Servants. HE grants seventy-fold more as exchange of goodness.

In the Sayings (Hadith) of God’s Messenger (peace be upon Him), it comes that whenever He (peace be upon Him) used to begin any work, first of all He, The Messenger (peace be upon Him) used to recite BisMIllaahir-Rahmaanir-Rahiim.

Whenever, we shall start any work with His name, then, as though; we shall say: My heart is entirely pure, my intention is sincere, my cause is higher, I am a servant of Allah only and I am displeased completely from the infidelity.

While Allah Almighty is The Beneficent and The Merciful, then we should trust in His Mercy. We should neither lose the spirit, and nor withdraw cowardly. When we shall trust in Allah Almighty like this, then we shall succeed in every field of life certainly. So, the Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him) commanded ,”If before beginning of any work, BisMIllaahir-Rahmaanir-Rahiim is not recited, then God’s blessing would not include in such work and resultant, the heart of that person would not satisfy from it.

We begin the Lessons from Holy Qur’-aan with His name. Certainly His help shall be with us and we shall succeed in our lives.

Transliterated Holy Qur-’aan in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif)

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Commandments of God through Qur'an