Thursday, September 1, 2016

Lesson – 67 Necessity of Divine Revelation

Lesson – 67

Necessity of Divine Revelation

Surah ‘Al-‘Baqarah (The Cow) – Chapter – 2)
Stage – 1, Verses – 38 of 286, Section – 4 of 40 (Part - 1)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

38.  We said: Go down, all of
you, from hence; but verily 
there cometh unto you from Me a Guidance; and whoso followeth My Guidance, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.
38.  QulNah-bituu  minhaa  jamii-‘aa.  Fa-‘imma   ya’-ti-yan-nakum-minNii  Hudan- famantabi-‘a   Hudaa-ya  falaa khaw-fun  ‘alay-him  wa  laa  hum  yah-zanuun.

‘Ih-bituu – (Go down). This Commandment is not being delivered to Adam (peace be upon Him) and His generation as a punishment. Error of Adam (peace be upon Him) was forgiven. But commandment to go down on the earth remained as usual because He was appointed as Viceroy of the earth. The aim to keep them in the earth was that the people who will obey God Almighty, they will be sent in the Garden and who will disobey they will be kept out from the Garden.

Khaw-fun – (Fear), it means perception of any forthcoming loss or pain in future. Here it signifies that the Believers and pious people will not be punished on the Doomsday. 

Laa hum yah-zanuun - Not shall they grieve. Origin of this word is huzn, which means “grief of any pleasant charming thing which has lost”. Here it aims “the believers and good people will not repent on their lives they passed in this world (their first lives)”.

Allah Almighty commanded Adam (peace be upon Him) ) and His children, “Go down all of you, on the earth and  be not sorrowful. I shall look upon you with Kindness there also and My Mercy will be with you in all conditions”. But they were warned too, “My Guidance will reach continuously by means of Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them), you should follow them. Whoso will follow My Guidance, there shall be no fear for them to be thrown in the Hell, and nor they shall feel grievance to be got out from the Paradise. They will be entered again in the Paradise. It manifests from this story that a human being can acquire spiritual satisfaction and comfort of the heart only by act upon the Guidance, sent down by Allah Almighty. Without it; it is entirely impossible.

Allah Almighty accepted repentance of Adam (peace be upon Him), then told they way of living in the world and going to Paradise. We should repent also for our all previous sins. We should pray for forgiveness and in future act according to His Guidance, which He has sent through His last Messenger (SallAllaahu alayHi wa AaliHii Wasallam). 

Transliterated Holy Qur’aan in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif)

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Commandments of God through Qur'an