Saturday, January 12, 2019

Muslims should live as an example for others - Quran Chapter 5 – 67 (Pt-6, Stg-2) (L-714) - درس قرآن

Quran Chapter 5- 67 (Pt-6, Stg-2) (L-714) - درس قرآن

Muslims should live as an example for others

Surah MAAA-‘IDAH (The Table Spread) – Chapter – 5)

‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. 
(I seek refuge in God from Satan the outcast.)


(In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.)

In the previous verses, after causing to know many commandments, Allah Almighty addresses to His Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him), “It doesn’t matter if either the people believe or otherwise. You should not be grief due to their wickedness. Certainly the Holy Qur’aan is a collection of good advices for the mankind. If the people do not believe in it, then it is their stupidity and foolishness”.

If the giver is sure that he has a thing which is advantageous and profitable for all, but the person, who has to take it, refuses from taking it, then nothing can be seen in him but his folly. These people have made up their mind that they would take only that thing, which is useful; particularly for them only. What can be more stupidity of a mankind than it? Surely they, who know, will like that thing, which is useful equally for all, and will desire only the quantity of profit, which is equal to others.

That person, who wants that he should receive everything and leave other entire persons longing, is an animal like dogs and beasts of prey. And the person, who wishes that he and his friend should take only, but remaining all people should remain entreating, is like a crow, but he is also mere an animal. It is suitable for the human being that he should take to the extent of his need only, after providing with the necessities of every person. Advantage of everyone is in it only and the dependence of the morality is also only upon it. It is the fundamental stone of that Revelation, which was revealed upon the Messenger Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him). It is compulsory to communicate this Message to the entire human beings, whether they understand it or not. So it has been admonished strictly in this verse.

Allah Almighty commands, “O Messenger (grace, glory, blessings and peace be upon Him)! Make known (the people, entire) that, which has been revealed unto You from Your Lord” (verbally as well as acting upon it too), because these are the actual meanings of conveying the Message. Otherwise, saying by tongue only, but acting not upon it by oneself, does not have any sense. If You did not convey this Message properly, this responsibility will remain on Your charge and it will be said, “You did not render the due of this Message”. However, those people, who do not listen to You and oppose, You should not have any concern with them. They can never harm You, but will harm themselves. Allah Almighty will protect you from them and preserve you from their wickedness.

You should not be efficacious from it that neither they listen to you, and nor obey you. It is luck of everyone. Some are fortunate, while the others have bad luck. The Belief, which is like the Wealth, is not in their fate, because it has been known due to their disobedience of Allah’s Word that they have adopted the path of infidelity and they like to remain Infidels. It is the Divine’s Law that the ways of guidance have been closed for them, who desire to remain Infidels. 

A clear commandment comes out from this lesson for the Muslims that they should produce themselves by making themselves a pattern of Islam, then invite the people for it. If they will not do so, they will be guilty of two crimes. At first, that they did not act upon it themselves and secondly, they did not fulfill their duty to carry the Message of Islam to non-believers.

Transliterated Holy Qur’an in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marmaduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif).

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Commandments of God through Qur'an